Fishhawk Youth Baseball

2025 Cooperstown Try Out Registration



Fishhawk Youth Baseball will send a team to participate in the annual 12U tournament at Dreamspark in Cooperstown, NY. The team is selected by a player tryout conducted every year.

The Cooperstown team participates in our Competitive Program and must play recreational baseball during the Spring season only.  The FYB Cooperstown team will only conduct tryouts one time before the end of school each season.

The team will be announced once the current team returns from their run this summer.

This requires a one-year commitment by any interested player and their family. In addition to the practice and game commitments, players and families will be required to participate in all fund-raising activities.

Player Eligibility:

The player may not turn 13 years of age before May 1, 2025. In order to qualify to try out for FYB Cooperstown team, player must have played at least two of last four seasons at Fishhawk Youth Baseball. Fall ball and Spring ball both qualify as a season. Only players in major division (11U or 12U) may try out for Cooperstown Team. A player may only play for one FYB Cooperstown team. In other words, a player that participates as an 11U player, would not qualify as a 12U player. 


Please direct questions to:

Steve Collins
